“The compelling rhythms of the naturalistic dialogue find powerful expression in the wrenching, tender, lived-in performances by both Beato and Steuer. This Bloom will take deep root in your memory.”
John R. ZIegler and Leah Richards – Thinking Theater NYC
“Monica Steuer’s Julia dominates the play. Strong and loving, a mother lost in politics and schooled in hate, she is a remarkable actress and she broke my heart…”
Jan Ewing – Hi! Drama
“Steuer maintains the driving energy of a mad woman. We are dragged skillfully through her many realities… At a time in our own history, where some state laws are threatening both the dignity and the livelihoods of their residents based upon sexual orientation, this drama is both frightening and timely.”
Rachel de Aragon – Berkshire Fine Arts
“Stellar acting by Monica Steuer…”
“I was gobsmacked by this amazing, intimate, intense, deeply moving drama. The acting, writing, directing…You don’t even get this caliber of work on Broadway very much these days!”
“This is a hidden gem in the theater scene right now. Masterfully acted. Not to be missed!”