“Monica Steuer manages to capture June perfectly, finding an excellent balance between concern and self-righteousness. Her arguments are disturbing because she wisely plays June as realistically as possible.”
Andrew Henkes – NYTheatre.com
“Monica Steuer switches from her Mrs.Paradowski and June Handly characters to that of a Brazilian nun, and converses with the child in rapid-fire Portuguese. Monica Steuer, in real life a native Brazilian raised in Mexico, does an excellent job of handling three different roles here, segueing flawlessly from an Anglo-American nurse to a fundamentalist Christian to a Brazilian nun.”
Scott Harrah – Gaycitynews.com
“Monica Steuer is very convincing as June Handly, the anti-homosexual, Jesus – loving radio host whom David confronts on the air. In brilliant contrast, she also portrays a nun and Mrs.Paradowski, the Head of Pediatrics at a local Buffalo hospital.”
John Jordan – Fringe NYC
“Steuer, as Handly and several other characters, brings a sensitivity to the stage that always engages.”
Andy Propst – Theatermania.com